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Rosemary | 50g | Herbs | Spell Reagent | Herbwork | Rootwork |

Rosemary | 50g | Herbs | Spell Reagent | Herbwork | Rootwork |

General Information

Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Labiatae) has been used in folk medicine to alleviate several diseases including headache, dysmenorrhea, stomachache, epilepsy, rheumatic pain, spasms, nervous agitation, improvement of memory, hysteria, depression, as well as physical and mental fatigue

Use in the Craft

Rosemary is a powerful cleansing and purifying herb, burn on charcoal to get rid of negativity especially prior to performing magic and rituals. It's also a good herb to place beneath a pillow to aid sleep and stop nightmares. This herb has many uses, add to bath sachets for purification, use in incenses for love and lust or even use in healing poppets. It is a good substitute for Frankincense.
Used in spell work for:
  • Protection,
  • Love Lust,
  • Mental Powers,
  • Exorcism,
  • Purification,
  • Healing and Sleep.


Herbs can be used in many helpful ways. Use them for baths, infusions, tinctures, oils, to dress candles add to incense, soaps, crafts, mojo bags and more.

All herbs are sold as a curios and not for consumption. Please do your own research about toxicity and uses. Information is for educational purposes only

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